Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Graduate School MS.Ed

One of the requirements of the New York City Teaching Fellows, NYCTF, is that you complete your Master's degree at a school of their choosing. I am working on my MS.Ed, Concentration: students with disabilities, at City College of the City University of New York. The degree is 31 hours, and is projected to take two years. However, I intend to finish it in 1.5.

It is strenuous to teach a full day and then rush to classes. However, it has not proven too much. In fact, it has simply allowed me to truly realize how much I enjoy being a student.

This semester, I will conduct the literature review and design my thesis... and as I work -- I will be sure to keep you guys posted .... those who know me already know I will struggle picking one simple topic --- but the experience is sure to be grand for us all!

Stay Tuned .....

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