Thursday, October 1, 2009

Scrambled Update

I hope this update finds you well. I just wanted to take a moment to provide you a brief scrambled update. Nevertheless, the shorter version is I am doing well.

{PITTSBURGH} The city of Pittsburgh is an interesting place to be. I am enjoying the process of trying to figure out the social climate of the city. (Short: NOT NYC or OXFORD,NC)

{COURSEWORK} I am currently taking three courses (Statistics, Organizational Perspectives in Education, and Professional Learning in the Content Areas). The courses are enjoyable, but I have quickly learned that the "core" of doctoral work is research and engaging in the process of building your competencies outside of class (Short: Doctoral Life is MORE than classes)

{RESEARCH} It is amazing how you can start out with a naked calendar then suddenly have a calendar-controlled life.... :) In regards to research, my CURRENT big research topic is exploring the current literature on community/school partnerships with the goal of creating a successful model that adds to current educational reform efforts. (Short: Reading is fundamental in doctoral life)

{UPREP} I really miss my students/teaching! Lucky for me Pitt has a Center for Urban Education that partners with Pittsburgh Public Schools to operate a school (UPREP). UPREP allows me to navigate and connect theory and practice. (Short: Remember why you are doing it)

Thank You for taking time to stop by my blog. I will try to provide more frequent updates in the future. Further, I am looking forward to posting "think pieces" on educational issues SOON. BLCJ

P.S. Sorry if this post is incoherent at times ... probably should get some sleep

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