And this gives me great joy -- knowing both sides of the coin. Knowing that education is the key to success; but also knowing the abysmal situations that my students face on a daily basis both within the school (gangs, peer pressure, labels, etc.) and within their non-academic lives.
I would say the part that provokes the most pain is knowing that many students have given up on life and that any potential intervention is met with resistance. And -- in many cases, I ask who can blame the child for their outlook considering the circumstances. In fact, one of my students -- who I no longer have -- told me in one of our real conversations that he would be graduating from the streets and not the classroom.Yet, I hold out hope that some of those students who are on the brink of giving up will see me as an example to keep preserving. For example, one of my students after receiving a 100% on a test thanked me and let me know how he was grateful he hung in there and did not give up.
Some funny incidents that I remember (I'm getting old -- so bare with me)
- The heat came on for the first time -- and I had never heard the kickback sound -- and jumped like hell and they all fell out laughing
- One of my para's wanted to play a game before we left for break-- if you know my school, you know which para -- she asked for a volunteer, got one then proceeded to tell them they must be blindfolded -- she then told them to "take off something you don't go to bed with" -- then the removal begin -- so the person and I started to get nervous and I stopped the game -- but the para ended by saying the only thing that should have been removed was the blindfold (You had to be there -- I died laughing)
- During the first week of school ... a kid threw a piece of paper ... missed the trash can ... and I reacted without processing saying "if you are going to throw shit in my room -- at least make it" -- I thought I would be fired.
- I will try to type them as they happen from now own so I don't forget
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